Holiday Prep Ideas With a Truck

When it comes to the holidays, we all have our traditions. There are always lots of things to prepare for! Family, weather, decorations, food – there’s a seemingly endless list. To make your season as simple as possible, we have three holiday prep ideas you might want to consider implementing with your truck.

What is the Holiday Season all about?

As they say, over the mountains and through the woods to whomever’s house we go! Some of us prefer to stay in town and keep to our own nuclear group of friends and family.

Overland Truck with SnugTop Truck for holiday prep with a truck

No matter what you enjoy doing, here are three good holiday prep ideas to help keep you ready for this season.

Holiday Travel Safety

Let’s get the safety stuff out of the way. Everyone knows it’s important, but it needs to be said (for the guy in the back chewing on his eraser with his feet up on the desk). There’s always one who doesn’t pay attention at the ‘safety brief’ – usually the one we wind up bailing out somewhere along the way.

Bedslide with STIHL Wood Boss MS251 and Snowmaster Fridge with Pelican Cases truck tools for holiday prep with a truck

One good thing to keep in your truck – especially if you live in an area that is heavily wooded – is a chainsaw. Whether you’re off-roading or just want to prepare for holiday storms, having a good saw in your truck could help get you (and a lot of other people) out of a jam. If a chainsaw is out of your budget for holiday gear, at least consider getting a quality bow saw and an axe.

Snow chains are a good holiday prep with a truck 1

Aside from clearing a path, you’ll want to be ready to safely drive the icy conditions and snow that is sure to be on a lot of roads this winter. Go ahead and toss your snow chains or cables into the back of your truck for the season. You never know when they might come in handy, and you don’t want to be left out in the cold when you need them most.

Sledding with Family and friends

Holiday prep with a truck means packing sleds and toboggans for the snow

Be sure to keep the fun stuff ready this holiday season, too! Throw the inflatable snow tube, sled, or toboggan into the back of the pickup for a chance at some weekend fun in the snow. A big part of holiday prep with a truck is being ready to enjoy the outdoors together with people you love.

Use a Bedslide for Christmas shopping, etc

Cleaning your truck bed is a good idea for holiday prep with a truck 2

Finally, be sure to get your pickup bed clean and ready for holiday shopping this year. Clear out the oil cans, egg crates, and excess dirt to make room for gifts and gear you will need to transport home from the store this year. One thing that definitely helps getting something like a SnugTop shell for your pickup which, in turn, can help keep your bed A LOT cleaner and safer year-round.

holiday prep with a truck is better with a bedslide and snugtop with mountain bike

When it comes to packing gifts and other sensitive items, keep a large packing blanket or two in the back of your rig. These will keep your items safe from the grit in your truck bed, and can also act as padding. It doesn’t fix everything, but one or two packing blankets will defiantly solve a fair number of problems.

What do you consider to be a crucial holiday prep idea with trucks?

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